Interview format, no holds barred. My vision is to have open discussions with interesting people from various walks of life, and to provide a platform for expression of information and enlightenment. If you have suggestions for guests or topics of discussion, or if you'd like to sign up for an interview, please reach out to denning633@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Episode 018 - Jon Houdyschell and a career in aviation
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
I graduated HS with Jon, and we've known each other for over 30 years. He's been flying airplanes since I first met him. Jon has been in the cockpit of practically anything with wings. He's a foodie, probably just from traveling to so many destinations. Many may not know this about him, but he's worked as a sommelier...kinda. I'm certain there were a few questions I just didn't get around to asking him during this lengthy interview, so I'm sure to have another podcast with him. His story is so interesting to me, and I hope my listeners enjoy hearing from Jon as much as I did.

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Episode 017 - My Old Friend Morgan and a Discussion about EVs
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
I recently bought an EV and I love it. I've faced a moderate amount of criticism for my decision to buy this car. I asked FaceBook and my Friends to ask me serious questions about the EV, and along with my old buddy Morgan, we try to address all of the questions.
It's also notable that Morgan runs a charity for Huntington's Disease called Fast Track for a Cure, or FastTrackPGH.com, please give it a look.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Episode 016 - Kickin’ back with some Grunts
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Recorded 4/24/2022
This episode was a blast to record. First, imagine walking into a total stranger's home and meeting several of his close friends and acquaintances, then sitting down with two other members of his podcast team and recording unscripted for their show. Second, imagine interviewing the three strangers immediately afterward for this podcast. We got along amazingly, as though we were all old friends.
The Grunts in Appalachia podcast just dropped its 40th episode. I was fortunate enough to be invited as a guest on that episode, where one of the Grunts talks about celebrating his 40th birthday. Then, I was fortunate enough again to have them interview on my show.
John Creamer, Nate Kingsley, and Brandon McGuire bring their own brand of sarcasm, laughs, and deep dives to the Borderlands. I am extremely grateful for having them as guests. Sit back and join in as we go who knows how many cans deep into a huge cache of cheap beer, grill out, and talk about life in Appalachia.
As usual, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome comments and suggestions. Reach out to me at denning633@gmail.com or through the comments section of Podbean.
Explicit language, consumption and description of alcohol
Music credit:
Songs by Punk Rock Opera are licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Episode 015 - The Denning Boys, again
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Recorded 3/19/2022
This episode Sam, Joe, and I talk about an evening out with the Old Man for drinks and smokes. We discuss what we're reading, watching, and listening to. We touch on Joe's recent promotion in the PD. Plus the usual "jackassery" as Joe describes it. I hope you enjoy and I appreciate your listening.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Episode 014 - Emergency Preparedness
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Recorded 2/1/2022
Tonight I discuss briefly some ideas for emergency preparedness. This topic comes to mind in light of the disastrous ice storm about this time last year and the prolonged power outage we had. There is another potential ice storm coming in the next couple of days, and we just had an outage tonight for a couple of hours. Food for thought.
As usual, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome comments and suggestions. Reach out to me at denning633@gmail.com or through the comments section of Podbean.
Explicit language, consumption and description of alcohol
Music credit:
The Road, Attack on Castle Marshall, and Military Industrial Complex by Punk Rock Opera are licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 013 - Brother Sam and Resolutions
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Recorded 1/23/2022
For this episode I am again joined by my brother Sam. After a long period of silence from the podcast, I've decided to revive and resuscitate the feed. And what better way to begin again by talking about New Year's resolutions. I don't have any solid resolutions for myself, but I'll go over a brief history of resolutions and discuss those I have for the podcast.
As usual, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome comments and suggestions. Reach out to me at denning633@gmail.com or through the comments section of Podbean.
Explicit language, consumption and description of alcohol
Music credit:
The Road, Attack on Castle Marshall, and Military Industrial Complex by Punk Rock Opera are licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Episode 012 - Sam Denning and a big revelation
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Recorded 9/22/2021
My brother Sam is a regular guest on the show. We start out talking about the creative process and some of the hurdles for us to make podcasts. The intent of this episode was to talk about some of the ways COVID-19 has changed our lives and behaviors - this came as a suggested topic from one of my listeners, Craig Haught. The conversation proceeds to reveal part of Sam's story that he's kept close and not shared much. We wrap things up with screaming kids in the background as happens sometimes here at the Borderlands. Listen with an open mind.
As usual, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome comments and suggestions. Reach out to me at denning633@gmail.com or through the comments section of Podbean.
Explicit language, consumption and description of alcohol
Music credit:
Songs by Punk Rock Opera are licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0
Edit - I just realized I referred to this as the "eleventh" episode several times in the audio. This is indeed the "twelfth" episode.

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Episode 011 - Tucker Denning
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Recorded 8/21/2021
My son and oldest child, Mr. Tucker Denning, is starting his next journey in life. He is beginning his freshman year at West Virginia Wesleyan College. In this episode, recorded on campus from his room in Dunn Hall, we talk about his fears and expectations with beginning his college education. We also discuss a bit about his eSports gig with Wesleyan, and some of the COVID policy at this institution. Tucker plans to pursue a bachelor's degree in computer sciences. Please welcome Tucker to the show again as we wish him the best of luck and success in college.
As usual, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome comments and suggestions. Reach out to me at denning633@gmail.com or through the comments section of Podbean.
Explicit language, consumption and description of alcohol
Music credit:
The Road, Attack on Castle Marshall, and Military Industrial Complex by Punk Rock Opera are licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Episode 010 - Aaron Moore and Bariatric Surgery
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Recorded 4/10/2021
Mr. Aaron Moore returns as a guest for this episode discussing bariatric surgery. He has struggled for nearly his whole life with controlling his weight and appetite. For primarily medical reasons he has chosen to undergo bariatric surgery. During this chat we discuss how he made the decision, what the pre-op process was like, and a little of what he expects in the immediate post-op period. We also go off topic to chat about Jeeps, motorcycles, etc. I wish Aaron a speedy recovery and look forward to future podcasts with him to follow his journey.
As usual, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome comments and suggestions. Reach out to me at denning633@gmail.com or through the comments section of Podbean.
Explicit language, consumption and description of alcohol
Music credit:
The Road, Attack on Castle Marshall, and Military Industrial Complex by Punk Rock Opera are licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0

Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Episode 009 - Sam Denning in the Snowpocalypse
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Recorded 2/13/2021
Sam Denning is becoming a regular on the show. I don't mind because he always has something interesting to talk about and I certainly don't mind his company. This evening we sit down to chat amidst the local Snowpocalypse that has caused widespread power outages and utter chaos in our small community and region. I was happy to have Sam and his family, along with my Mom and Dad over for a generator-driven BBQ lunch, and offer them all have a chance to use our facilities with hot water. It was a great time during what can only be described as a rather larger natural disaster for our area. As usual, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome comments and suggestions. Reach out to me at denning633@gmail.com or through the comments section of Podbean.
Explicit language, consumption and description of alcohol
Music credit:
The Road, Attack on Castle Marshall, and Military Industrial Complex by Punk Rock Opera are licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0